Best of Bridge Home Preserving
Home canning puts the pleasure of eating natural, delicious produce at your fingertips year-round.
Preserving food is modern, practical and really quite simple, especially when you’re using tried and true recipes from Best of Bridge. As with all their other much-loved cookbooks, these are easy recipes with gourmet results.
The user-friendly recipes will appeal to novice and experienced canners alike. There’s a wealth of fantastic information, including basic equipment lists, food safety requirements and produce purchasing charts. Easy-to-understand detailed processing instructions provide all the information you need before beginning any canning project.
The outstanding variety of recipes covers everything from jams, marmalades, conserves and jellies to chutneys, pickles, relishes, salsas and more. There really is something for everyone right across the country, regardless of your growing region.
ISBN-10: 0778804828
ISBN-EAN: 9780778804826
Price (USD): $29.95
Price (CAD): $29.95
Format: Hardcover Concealed Wiro
Number of Pages: 306
Published Date: 17/04/2014